Hi. My name is Tami. I am the author of this blog. You can contact me by posting a comment or emailing me at readaton@gmail.com. I am also happy to add you as a friend at www.goodreads.com where I keep track of everything I am reading.

I LOVE to read. I am pursuing my master's degree in library and information science at San Jose State University. Right now I mostly use this blog for class assignments.

No matter your reading tastes you will find books for you here. Enjoy!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

New class this fall

I am very excited about the class I am taking this fall. It is Advanced Reference - Reader's Advisory. Here is the course description:

"This course will focus on the philosophy and methodology of matching patrons to genres and authors, location elusavie or nameless books, and organizing and highlighting the adult fiction collection to enable patrons to easily and effectively locate the materials they are seeking. This course also provides students with an opportunity to focus on the literature of genre fiction, including specific genres and subgenres, specific titles and authors within them, and the characteristics of the readers of each of the genres."

The main genres of RA (Reader's Advisory) are:
Historical fiction
science fiction
Christian fiction
GLBTQ fiction
Chick lit
popular nonfiction