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I LOVE to read. I am pursuing my master's degree in library and information science at San Jose State University. Right now I mostly use this blog for class assignments.

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Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Namesake

The Namesake

Directed by Mira Nair
Fox Searchlight Pictures & Mirabia Films, 2007
ASIN B001023N1A

3 (out of 5) STARS

Plot Summary

American-born Gogol, the son of Indian immigrants, wants to fit in among his fellow New Yorkers, despite his family's unwillingness to let go of their traditional ways.


Critical Evaluation

I read this book a few years ago but had not seen this movie yet. It appeared on the list of good Indie films for teens. I, of course, enjoyed the book better than the movie. But I still liked the movie. One theme of the movie was isolation and loneliness. Gogol's family is isolated from their neighbors as they keep their traditional ways. I don't necessarily think giving up their traditions is the right thing to do but it can cause assimilation problems.

Reader’s Annotation

Chronicles the life of Gogol from boy to adult.

Information about the director

The highly acclaimed director from India, Mira Nair leapt into the world's spotlight with her film Salaam, Bombay! This film is considered by many to be her best work although she may be better known for the controversial subject matter of her latest film Kama Sutra: A tale of Love.

Mira Nair was born in Bhubaneshwar, Orissa to a civil servant in 1957. She went on to attend the University of New Delhi where she studied Sociology and Theater. Dissatisfied with the quality of the education, she applied elsewhere. As result she came to Harvard in 1976 on full scholarship to continue studying Sociology. While at Harvard her focus drifted to documentary film. She describes documentary as "a marriage of my interests in the visual arts, theatre, and life as it is lived"



realist fiction

Curriculum Ties

cultures. immigration

Booktalking Ideas


Reading Level


Challenge Issues

sex, swearing, drinking, smoking

It is best to be prepared for a book challenge before it is challenged. It is important to read the book all the way through and to have read both positive and negative reviews of the book from professionals and teens as well. Be aware of the library’s collection policy. Also check for any awards the book may have won. It would be beneficial to see how other library’s may have handled challenges for this particular book in the past.

*Above information applies for movies as well.

Why Included?

I had read this book a few years ago and was curious to see the movie.

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