Plot Summary
This series is about two very different teenage boys who become stepbrothers when their parents get married. They live above the garage in their fairly ideal upper-middle class suburban home, playing video games, eating chips, and avoiding their little sister's pranks. The series deals with age-appropriate concerns of acceptance and individuality, which both the boys struggle with in and outside the home. Ultimately, the boys learn from one another.
Critical Evaluation
I enjoyed this sit com. It was funny and had clever dialogue. I did not have, however, think it was believable. I found Malcolm in the Middle to be much better done.
Reader’s Annotation
Information about the author
realistic fiction. situation comedy.
Curriculum Ties
Booktalking Ideas
Reading Level
rated TV PG. age 10 and above
Challenge Issues
N/A. This is a pretty tame TV show. Maybe a bit unrealistic but overall a good message.
Why Included?
I wanted some TV shows that would appeal to older teens. The two main characters were younger when the show started but they grow older as the seasons progress.
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