Plot Summary
This series follows the eventful lives of some high-school kids in Tree Hill, a small but not too quiet town in North Carolina, where the greatest source of pride is the high school basketball team, the Ravens, since living memory coached by old Whitey Durham. Its greatest talent ever was Dan Scott, who now runs a successful car dealership. The present talents are his two sons, Nathan Scott, a beautiful and popular athlete, the absolute star, who was molded and stifled by his proud dad, ambitious Dan Scott, who pushes him harder then even the coach approves of, but rather neglected by his spoiled, impulsive mother Deb, an alcoholic, and Lucas, abandoned at birth with his devoted mother, hard-working café-owner Karen Roe, who grew up with Dan's older but poor brother Keith as substitute father as a social reject, only playing hoops on a public yard in the park with street-kids, his passion being reading; when an incident forces the coach to replace suspended players, Lucas soon proves the revelation, and after a while gets accepted and develops a dynamic, in the long run good relationship with his brother, who turns on his dad.
Critical Evaluation
I enjoyed this drama. But I tend to enjoy the dramas. Other dramas that I enjoy are Gilmore Girls and Desperate Housewives. This type of drama -evening soap operas - are not realistic or actually portray very healthy lives, but they are good entertainment. I have discovered that I monitor and even censor much closer what my children watch than what they read. So although I greatly enjoyed this drama, I would prefer my children not to watch it! There is so much that can be gained and learned from reading all different types of books and about different life experiences but I do not think all the dramas and sit coms on TV provide the same experience.
Reader’s Annotation
Information about the author
realistic fiction. soap opera for teens.
Curriculum Ties
Booktalking Ideas
Reading Level
age 14 and up. rated TV-14.
Challenge Issues
This show has all the necessary drama to make a successful soap opera: violence, sex, swearing, alcohol, etc.
It is best to be prepared for a book challenge before it is challenged. It is important to read the book all the way through and to have read both positive and negative reviews of the book from professionals and teens as well. Be aware of the library’s collection policy. Also check for any awards the book may have won. It would be beneficial to see how other library’s may have handled challenges for this particular book in the past.
Why Included?
"Teen" soap operas are very popular. This was one that I had always wanted to watch but never got around to.
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