Hi. My name is Tami. I am the author of this blog. You can contact me by posting a comment or emailing me at readaton@gmail.com. I am also happy to add you as a friend at www.goodreads.com where I keep track of everything I am reading.

I LOVE to read. I am pursuing my master's degree in library and information science at San Jose State University. Right now I mostly use this blog for class assignments.

No matter your reading tastes you will find books for you here. Enjoy!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Reader's Bill of Rights

Carolyn shared this with us at book club this past week. I love it. It was fun to hear all the readers in the room laughing at the different things they personally do concerning reading. I went and found the website it came from and it looks like a great site. www.bookcentral.yuku.com

1. You have the right to read anything you want.
2. You have the right never to apologize for your reading tastes.
3. You have the right to read anywhere you want—in the bathtub, in the car (preferably at stop lights if you're driving), in the grocery store, under the porch, or while walking the dog.
4. You have the right to read in bed. Under the covers. With a flashlight.
5. You have the right to carry books in your briefcase, luggage, and pocketbook at all times.
6. You have the right to read in exotic settings. You have the right to move your lips when you read. You have the right to laugh or gasp out loud and choose whether or not to explain.
7. You have the right to read the good parts out loud to your nearest and dearest, and when you're not near bookbunch, to strangers if desperate.
8. You have the right to read and eat at the same time.
9. You have the right to read as many books as you want at the same time.
10. You have the right to throw any book on the floor and jump up and down on it.
11. You have the right to ignore the critics at the New York Review of Books.
12. More importantly, you have the right to ignore all critics.
13. You have the right to read the book spine of the person sitting next to you, even on a plane. And if you can't make it out, you have the right to ASK.
14. You have the right to stop reading a book whenever you decide it's not worth the effort, or that you simply don't like it.
15. You have the right to refuse to read any book anyone else picks out for you. Even if it's a birthday present.
16. You have the right to read the last chapter first.
17. You have the right to read the last chapter first and then put the book back on the shelf.
18. You have the right to refuse to read any book where you don't like the picture of the author. 19. You have the right to ignore all of these rules and do whatever you please as long as it's civil...hee hee.
20. You have the right to buy as many books as you want despite the size of your TBR stack or what your significant other has to say!!!
21. When you find that you're dawdling on your way back to a book, ditch it.
22. You have the right to re-read a book as many times as you want, no explanations needed. 23. It's ok to remove clothing from the suitcase to allow room for more books.
24. You have the right to be wrong about a book
25. You have the right the judge a book by its cover.

1 comment:

Suko said...

This is a great bill of rights. I had fun reading it.