Hi. My name is Tami. I am the author of this blog. You can contact me by posting a comment or emailing me at readaton@gmail.com. I am also happy to add you as a friend at www.goodreads.com where I keep track of everything I am reading.

I LOVE to read. I am pursuing my master's degree in library and information science at San Jose State University. Right now I mostly use this blog for class assignments.

No matter your reading tastes you will find books for you here. Enjoy!

Friday, May 29, 2009

some book recommendations

Some of the questions that I found for our discussion on The Camel Bookmobile came from a site from the Clark County Public Library in Ohio. They also had some recommended reads if you liked the Camel Bookmobile. I have not read any of these books, but thought I would pass the recommendations along if anyone is interested.

The Bookseller's Daughter by Pam Rosenthal (3.29)

The Jane Austin Book Club by Susan Joy Fowler (no rating)

Monday Morning Faith by Lori Copeland (3.94)

Pure Fiction by Julie Highmore (3.0)

The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon (4.21)

Summer Reading by Hilma Wolitzer (2.71)

Tolstoy Lied: A Love Story by Rachel Kadish (3.62)

I like to go to goodreads.com for many of my book questions. They show an average book rating for each book which has been calculated by every reader that has rated that book. The rating is out of 5 stars. I have posted the number of stars by the name of each author. I usually feel good about any book that is above 3.6 and I feel great about books above 4.0.

For example, Camel bookmobile was 3.35. Folly was 4.10. And My Sister's keeper was 4.07. I realize this rating system is totally subjective because so many different types of people are rating the books, but I feel like it gives me a good place to start.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Tami, I don't know if you're still looking for book reviews but I just finished a book I really enjoyed!

"A Hundred Years of Happiness" by Nicole Seitz is a beautifully written novel about 3 families affected by the Vietnam War. The novel takes place almost 40 years later. Two grown daughters help the intertwined families heal.

There are several twists - most of which were predictable but one which caught me slightly off-guard.

The characters were fairly well developed and pretty interesting. My favorite was a fry cook named Lisa who has a Vietnamese mother. Lisa is strong yet vulnerable.

One of my favorite lines is "Heaven can only be understood by the heart."

It is written from the viewpoints of several of the characters including a fish (not as weird as it sounds).

I really enjoyed the book. There was pain and joy and sadness and heartache and love. I recommend this book to anyone.